‘But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”’
When the Lord speaks directly to Paul here, it’s both deep assurance and a command rooted in truth. It’s a truth that enables us to say and believe this: I am not defined by my physical strength, by my abilities, by my credentials, by my reputation, or anything that I can ever do on my own.
Our status with God has never been earned on our own; it is completely by grace.
Especially during my work this summer, I found myself questioning my own abilities and struggling with self-confidence. I also questioned my relationships and whether I deserved the love I was getting from others. There’d always been a part of me that put my identity in how well I could perform.
Yet when my self-confidence was shaken, I saw more of Him. Paul may have been writing this when he was facing a tough physical trial. But whether you’re a new student facing the “imposter syndrome” moments or a senior wondering why your resumé isn’t in top shape, God is speaking to you too. Lean into his grace in the midst of your weakness, for he will always be more than enough.