Transitions. Whether from first body paragraph to second body paragraph or from high school to college (ayyy), it can be difficult to make a transition smooth and feel natural. However, just like how an essay (at least one that wasn’t brainstormed, typed, and turned in an hour before the deadline) has an overarching topic throughout the entire paper, so God will always be with us throughout our entire lives.
The word “keep” is stated three times throughout the phrase. If it couldn’t be any clearer, we are kept by God. He keeps us from things that harm us, He keeps us as we ~transition~ and He keeps our very lives. This makes us admit to ourselves: we are vulnerable. Newsflash: we can’t do this by ourselves. We fall easily. How good is it to know then, that we are kept, guarded, protected by the most powerful and loving God ever?
As you transition from high school to college, from one class to another, from mask off to mask on, or even from a stable relationship in God to an inconsistent one, God “will keep your going out and your coming in from this time forth and forevermore.”