Paul is writing to Timothy here, to lead him to guide the church in Ephesus in the correct direction. There were plenty of false teachers preaching in Ephesus, and Paul wanted to separate the truth from the lies.
To address the false teaching, Paul points Timothy to the true gospel. Reflecting on his own past, when he persecuted the church, Paul calls himself the worst of sinners. However, against the greatness of his own sin, Paul shows how gracious God is, that God would even save him and call him to bring others to the Kingdom of God. It is unmistakable that God has completely transformed Paul’s life, allowing him to lead a righteous life compared to the life of the false teachers.
What was true of Paul is true of us today. We are sinners. But Christ came down to Earth to save us; he did not come to condemn us of our mistakes. This is a call for us to not feel guilty of our past mistakes, but to let them testify to the goodness of God’s grace and forgiveness, for we serve a merciful and gracious God. I am the chief sinner, but I serve a gracious God who has saved me and called me for greater!