Psalm 23:1 - “The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want.” If the Lord is MY shepherd that means that I am a sheep. That is not the animal I would choose to be associated with or depicted as. I would prefer to be wise like an owl, fierce like a lion, or cunning as a fox. Have you ever seen wild sheep? No, because sheep need a shepherd, an overseer, they are dumb and weak animals. I love the dichotomy of calling God my shepherd as the Psalmist does in this verse. It’s humbling and it’s exalting. It’s humbling to admit my weakness and my dependence on God and it’s exalting to know that the shepherd, God himself, willingly gave up His life for me. I am needy and desperate but also am “not wanting” and deeply loved. God as a shepherd brings us low and raises us up. It tells us who we really are and also who God really is.