As we begin a new school year (and a new chapter of life for some – welcome '24s!!!), you may (implicitly, if not explicitly) find yourself asking the following questions: Who am I? and Who do I want to be?
Around this time of year, I often find myself tempted to search for and curate my identity in my classes, in my campus involvements, in my friendships and relationships. We here at CU Vox believe, however, that our identity is not fundamentally in what we do, who others say we are, or even who we think we are. Instead, as Christians, our identity is determined by God, who has designed us for relationship with Him.
During these next couple weeks, different members of the community will be sharing short reflections on the question: "Who does God say I am?" as revealed in the Bible. We hope that you will join us and learn (and re-learn) who you are in Christ.